Thursday 29 September 2016

10 reasons to wear watches

BY shivam choudhary IN No comments

Back in the days,watches  were essential tools that virtually everyone used. And they did so because it was the only real way to keep track of time.
People couldn’t just take up their phone and look at what time it was like you can today, and therefore, be carrying a watch was crucial for living a smooth life – from showing up at work in time – to perfect timing and synchronizing a military attack. Please have a look on first copy markets of Delhi .
In terms of watches as we know them today, with movements and hands, it all started with pocket watches, and during world war 1, it was found that wearing watches on the wrist was much more effective than having them in the pocket and trying to find them to check the time mid-battle. The soldiers synchronized their watches to plan for attacks, and could easily check the time, but until the second world war, wearing watches on the wrist was only something that women were doing.
Today, the reasons people wear a watch has significantly changed from the time when the first watches debuted. At the same time, the number of people wearing watches, percentage wise has decreased significantly. Of course, this isn’t very surprising now virtually everyone carries a telephone with them which can tell them exactly what time it is, down to the very thousandth of a second. This is also the argument of many people who choose not to wear a wristwatch. Many of them say ”why to wear a watch when I can just look at the time on my phone?”, but the fact of the matter is that apart from just checking time, there are far more reasons to wear a watch, and that’s exactly what we’ll be looking at in this article.

1. Watches are great accessories

Today, for the vast majority of people who are wearing watches, they wear it as an accessory – a piece of jewelry that enhances their style and appearance.
The watch is to a large extent considered to be the only real piece of jewelry that men can wear without risking coming off as feminine.
Women have plenty of accessories and pieces of jewelry to choose from, from rings, bracelets, handbags, and much more, but men, generally speaking, of course, struggle more to pull that off, but a watch is an accessory that always works, no matter what.
A good looking watch can significantly enhance your appearance, as well as be matched to the outfit you’re wearing, and this is, as mentioned, probably the most common reason people wear a watch.
Back in the days, people cared very little about how their wristwatches looked. Sure, a few selected individuals eventually started wearing golden watches etc. but for a very long time, wristwatches were seen as a tool, not a piece of jewelry.

2. They are convenient

How many times have you heard people argue that they don’t need a watch because they have a phone?
Probably a lot.
But the thing is that it is much more effortless to look at your wrist for the time than to try to fish in your pocket for your phone. What’s more, looking at your watch is effortless and can be done in a matter of seconds, but imagine fishing for your phone and then pulling it up whilst in a  meeting just to check the time. THat’s something that would be seen as highly rude. Of course, this doesn’t just go for meetings, but I am sure you can come up with a number of places and occasions where it would be considered inappropriate and rude to take up your phone, even if you’re just going to check the time, but wearing a watch eliminates that problem.
Another way that wearing a watch is convenient is when you don’t have any pockets or for some other reason can’t carry your phone with you. Your watch, on the other hand, is always securely fastened to your wrist, no matter what.

3. Watches are amazing pieces of craftsmanship

Most people underestimate the immense craftsmanship that goes into creating a high-end timepiece – and even into some lower-end watches.
A watch is not just a watch, but it is a piece of art which someone, depending on what watch you wear, has been working on for hours. Furthermore, due to the immense craftsmanship, wearing a watch allows you to carry art, history, and a symbol of tradition, and when you realize just how much work that has gone into a nice timepiece, you tend to appreciate a lot more. Compare that with a phone that has been manufactured without all of that. Some watches can take hundreds of hours to make – others even more than that, and the number of years that go into developing an advanced timepiece to achieve the precision and reliability is absolutely mind-boggling.
There are many ways in which a timepiece can be appreciated as art and a beautiful piece of craftsmanship. What we most often hear is the appreciation for advanced mechanical movements that have tiny parts in it to ultimately make it tick, and then we have stunning dials, crafted with great attention to details, all the way to perfectly designed bracelets and cases.

4. Watches Are Functional

While watches aren’t tools that are crucial to us today, they are tremendously functional and offer a number of different helpful functions that can improve your everyday life.
In the 19th century, wristwatches were used to synchronize maneuvers during a war, but since then, wristwatches have evolved a lot in terms of functions, and now, there are wristwatches that offer whole arrays of helpful features.
Since first being used in the military for synchronizing maneuvers, watches have been developed to help divers in the ocean, as well as pilots in the sky and everything in between.
Today, there are wristwatches dedicated for usage within a large number of areas such as diving, racing, exploring, flying, and much more.
You can purchase watches with moon phase functions, chronograph features, a GMT hand, and much more.
Of course, the most fundamental feature of a watch is that it tells the time, and that itself is a great feature. But if you want more functions (also known as complications), there’s a large selection out there.
The most common complications of watches are firstly the basic time-telling. After that, we have the date feature which tells you the date, chronograph which introduces a stopwatch feature, moon phase, which displays the lunar phase, and much more. A popular feature of a watch is diver bezels, which work as a countdown T-60 minutes which is supposed to indicate how much oxygen you have left when diving, but this complication can obviously be used within a number of other areas as well.
The bottom line is that a watch is so much more than just a piece of jewelry. It is a practical tool that, depending on what type of watch you wear, gives you an easy access to helpful tools which can be used in your everyday life.

5. Watches offer simplicity

Have you ever took up your phone just to check the time, and then found yourself sitting on the phone for many minutes because you fell back on your phone as a distraction?
One of the reasons to wear a watch is, therefore, the simplicity it gives its user. A watch is less likely to be a distraction than a phone, even though if you have a beautiful watch you might admire it for a while.
Each time you take your phone, it’s a distraction and a risk of getting stuck, but by wearing a watch, you eliminate that problem.

6. Watches reflect style

It’s no secret that watches are often used as a reflection of style or as a statement.
You might have noted that some people only use vintage watches, others only dive watches, and so on. That’s because it reflects their style.
As mentioned earlier, the accessories that men ”can” use is limited, and watches give men the ability to express themselves, their personality, and style. Wearing a watch is a form of self-expression, and if you look at the watches that people who have an interest in watches wear, you might be surprised at how well they reflect their style and personality.
In other words, with a watch, you can express yourself without saying a single word. That’s quite powerful.
Some people wear watches as a statement, which, in a way, also is a way for them to reflect their personality and style. In some cultures, it is especially common to wear things that work as statements, such as gold and diamond watches.

7. Watches make great Heirlooms

This is one of the most interesting reasons you should wear a watch because watches are among the most iconic and appreciated heirlooms there are.
Old watches carry a lot of history, and this is an important reason why collecting vintage watches has skyrocketed in popularity in recent years.
Owning timepieces that have been passed on through generations is a remembrance of your relatives, the history of what the watch has been through, and where and how it has been used, and the story it tells. Patek Philippe’s motto is ”create your own traditions”, and that is because high-quality watches are wonderful pieces of craftsmanship that can withstand time and be passed on from generation to generation. If serviced regularly, watches have a long life length and can be passed on from generation to generation. Remember Patek Philippe’s slogan  ”You never actually own a Patek Philippe watch, you merely look after it for the next generation”.
Collecting watches and passing them on to future generations means not only being a part of history, but also being a part of the history through your watches, and then passing the history on.

8. Respect and appreciation

While some people don’t care about respect and appreciation, watches are great conversation starters and can be the start of a lifelong relationship with someone who loves watches. High-end watches is a huge industry, and there are many of groups and communities of people where watches are the subject of discussion and thereby is the topic that helps build relationships between individuals as they are gathered around a common interest and passion.
In terms of respect, if someone asks you the time, it looks much more stylish and classy to look at your wrist than to take up your phone from your pocket. There’s still a certain charm and elegance to checking the time on a wristwatch.

9. Reliability

We can’t forget one of the most important reasons you should wear a watch: that they are incredibly reliable.
Wristwatches existed long before electricity did, and this means that mechanical watches can operate without any electricity.
Furthermore, quartz watches that have batteries in them are also highly reliable, and despite being dependent on electric from a battery, the battery of a quartz watch holds a long time, normally for about a year.
If you have your phone to check the time, when it runs out of battery, you’ll stand there all helpless, and when that happens, you have your mechanical timepiece on your wrist that just keeps on ticking, and gets energy from either movement of your arm (automatic watch), or from you winding it every now and then.
Despite the society moving into a more technological society, the very best and most advanced watches are powered by a different type of technology – one that is automatic and self-winding. These watches keep ticking when your phone runs out of battery and is something you can always rely on, as it keeps ticking year after year.
Most modern smartphones can’t even last a day’s usage, but when wearing a watch, you don’t have to worry about that.

10. Watches remind you about your relationship with time.

Humans have always been fascinated by time. It all started with the sundial when humans tried to estimate time and find a way to measure the time. Our time here is limited, and watches work as a reminder of this, and that we should embrace and appreciate every moment.
For many people, wearing a watch can have a positive effect on how you spend your time, as it reminds you that you only have 24 hours in a day.

Sunday 25 September 2016

Why to do Network marketing part time .

BY shivam choudhary IN No comments

Why to do Network marketing part time .

Network marketing part time now days seems to be a  platform where a person can grow from zero and achieve the highest level he want. Virtual nerves India is a growing market with 15% which is just improves from 5 to 15 in year 2015 to 2016.
India is one of the fastest growing economy and the usage of internet is at that point where growth is going to be accelerated and a new industry is emerging called Internet Industry.

The best part of this industry you do not need the approval from someone to work in network marketing industry.It realises you the potential of dead resources lying around you and provide you the tools to utilise and use those tools for your growth.
The Industry do not demand special talent they just demand punctuality and few bucks vary from company company some company are also just free to join.
it is suitable to every one who is passionate here are 6 points which i discovered in network marketing.

1.Money – My time and effort will result in wealth, not unemployment.
2.Taxes – I will be able to enjoy tax write-offs for practically everything.
3. Helping Others – I can help others because of the time & money my business will afford me.
4.Family – I can spend precious time with my loved ones.
5. Freedom – I will have the freedom to work when I want, where I want and how long I want.
6. Pride – I will have pride in myself for my accomplishments.

Explosive Income Potential – My Experience with Network Marketing 

As I have learned through many hours of perusing books, considering fruitful promoting experts, viewing instructive Webinars/recordings and talking with effective advertisers; system showcasing is not about offering, it's about 'Training and Understanding' to cite Eric Worre (the Network Marketing Pro).

Despite the fact that it's not in my DNA to pitch items or administrations to individuals, I have chosen to expel "Offer" from my vocabulary and re-conform my perspective with the understanding that individuals would prefer not to be sold.

At the point when individuals land at this site, the odds are they are needing to discover critical thinking answers for the issues that they have been battling with… the peruser needs to find that some person comprehends their issue and offers counsel to determine it.

I have found that most of the perusers of this online journal are searching for answers for addition focused on activity back to their website. Individuals that visit this online journal are hoping to be taught so they can expand their main concern… increase more prominent introduction for their site and increment leads for their business.

Why I Choose Network Marketing

I’ve been sitting on the sidelines long enough watching others live their dreams… NOW it’s my turn and network marketing is the KEY to success!

In my field of expertise (Search Engine Optimization), I have realized that I have the opportunity to educate people with the ever changing search engine algorithms AND share the wisdom that I have gathered through countless hours of study and conversation with other successful entrepreneurs and leaders in the network marketing community.

Thursday 15 September 2016

Amway network marketing company

BY shivam choudhary IN 1 comment

Amway :network marketing company

Amway a network marketing company  is an American organization that uses a multi-level product distributing  model to offer various products, basically in the wellbeing, magnificence, and household markets.Amway was established in 1959 by Jay Van Andel and Richard DeVos. Situated in Ada, Michigan, the organization and group of organizations under Alticor reported offers of $9.5 billion for 2015, the second sequential year of decrease for the company.Its product offerings incorporate home consideration items, individual consideration items, adornments, hardware, Nutrilite dietary supplements, water purifiers, air purifiers, protection, and beauty care products. Amway conducts business through various associated organizations in more than a hundred nations and domains around the world. Amway was positioned No.26 among the biggest privately owned businesses in the United States by Forbes in 2012. Amway has been liable to examination as a fraudulent business model
 profit  Amway network marketing company depend on a mix of PV (focuses in view of the amount you and your down line spend) and BV (the dollar esteem doled out to the amount you and your down line spend). The sum you gain, depends on the sum that you spend, as appeared in the table underneath:
You may experience serious difficulties $22,500 every month on item, yet this gets to be less demanding once you have a down line. Anybody you by and by backer, will 'leave behind' volume to you. In the event that you are new to the framework and figure out how to produce enough volume to fit the bill for a 3% installment, then your patron will get 3% from you deals (6%-3%). Their patron will get 3% from your deals (9% - 6%) thus on until the full 25% has been paid.

This 'leave behind' framework, urges individuals to support whatever number newcomers as could reasonably be expected. However their is no motivation to sustain selects and help them succeed. The only thing that is important is that cash is being spent. In the event that an individual is losing cash and acquiring nothing, the cash they spend is as yet encouraging the framework, and sending 25% commission up through the pecking order.

Amway  network marketing company has a disclaimer which shows up much of the time on all their documentation. It depends on figures from 2010, and states that:

Just 46% of IBOs were 'dynamic', and 'The normal gross month to month Income for 'dynamic IBOS' was $202 every month

Taking into account the figures in the Amway network marketing company remuneration arrangement, they are letting us know - Less than a large portion of the general population who join stay dynamic. What's more, by and large, the individuals who stayed "dynamic" and worked the framework, lost cash.

54% of all IBOs were "idle" and in this manner earned nothing. Of the staying 46%, the normal gross wage was $202 every month or $2,424 per annum. In view of our count, the expense of being dynamic is $300 every month, or $3,600 per annum. We don't realize what different costs merchants caused, however the normal IBO lost in any event $1,176 in 2010. All of a sudden all that time and exertion spent building the framework isn't looking so great.

Virtual nerves thanks you.

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Best network marketing companies in india.

BY shivam choudhary IN 2 comments

Best network marketing companies in india.

Best network marketing companies in India when there is a discussion about marketing the huge potential of network marketing cant be neglected.So I have decided to share with you the most trusted companies involved in the business of direct sales.The future of the economy is going to boomed by them.
As we look on other hand the introduction of internet gave the network marketing companies  new wing the companies which were earlier crawling in the market due to communication gap are now paced and the earning capacity is introduced to people from 2012 the network marketing industry growth waa with the rate of seems like best network marketing companies brought the storm in the field of marketing.And the reason this industry is such popular is this industry provide such a huge amount of income a person even cant dream.

Best network arketing companies in india.

1.Forever living 

Forever living is a company which is acquiring the Indian market so rapidly only because of only two  reason.
a)The products are best and no 1 in world.
b)The way of ethical business the culture of business is so good once a person join the company it became his or her passion.Best network marketing companies in india.

join us

2.RMP Infotec Private Limited

RMP Infotec private restricted is on the top in the rundown of Top 10 MLM organizations in India, It is the principal multi-level advertising organization that was set up in 2001. The corporate office of the organization in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India. It was begun with offering homes, Cosmetic and kitchen items. RMP Infotec privet Limited is the main player in the multi-level promoting Industry.Best network marketing companies in india.

Visit :


Oriflame is on the second position in the rundown of best 10 MLM organizations in India. It was built up in the year 1947. It is the genuine player of this industry, as you can gauge of its prosperity by seeing it's more than 50 nations range around the world. It manages corrective based items.Best network marketing companies in india.



Amway is a notable Great and significant player in the MLM business around the world, That's the reason I positioned it no 3 in this Top 10 MLM Companies in India list. It is a USA based exemplary organization, that was set up in 1959. Amway the MLM Company direct promoting organization which offers wellbeing, Cosmetic and Beauty items. Best network marketing companies in india. ,You can discover more data about them by Visiting Link Below… ..
Visit :


In the rundown of Top 10 MLM Companies in India, It is on the fifth rank. Tupperware is a US based organization, That was built up in the year 1996. This multi-level promoting organization offers an extensive variety of Great items like; kitchen, home apparatuses and nourishment items. In case you're searching for making an incredible future, then this organization offers an immediate promoting opportunity with no real cost. To know more about this organization Best network marketing companies in india.  visit by connection Below…
 Visit :

Monday 12 September 2016

How to make money from Digital Network marketing?

BY shivam choudhary IN 1 comment

How to make money from Digital Network marketing?

In previous article i have discussed about network marketing.why should a person join a network marketing company about the pros of network marketing company.
Here comes if you are enough motivated to join network marketing company the list of few question strike to your mind.

1.How can I earn from network marketing?
2.Is there possibilities to earn?
4.How could a company pay such huge amount to people?

Here we look out at the few points.

1.Why any MLM existing member want to recruit you with him/her?
2.How MLM is promoted?
3.Can you make money in network marketing?
4.What number tell us about network marketing?

Why any MLM existing member want to recruit you with him/her?

The answer is is simple MLM companies want you to recruit more and more member .They developed the system in such way you can more successful only if you recruit more and more people to the called "Downline" In the business.It doesnt matter who are you the motive is that to recruit more and more people let it be anyone.
The mentality is such that if you love the system you can be more successful.The more people you recruit you can earn  from their activity.
How the MLM is promoted?
If we look at the promotion the question is that how to motivate someone to join MLM .The simple true answer is by just showing him the reality of people who are earning a huge amount in companies.And that is true you can earn a huge amount if you love to work with passion.

How can we  introduce digital marketing to it?

In the language of sales it is said if you introduce the right thing to right people then the chances of converson are increased by 90%.
It does not matter in which type of chain marketing company you are what  matter most is the way you promote your business to right people on the right time in the right way.

For example If someone is in need of fun and entertainment services and you introduce him with medical services then the chances of converson are very less but at the similar moment you introduce him to the right company of providing fun and entertainment services at reasonable price within the time  he require them and if you also provide him the offer to customise his service according to him then  I say definitely there  95% chances that he will conform deal with you.

Thats the power of quotation"giving up the right thing,to the required person on the right time.
On the  internet daily 10 thousand people search about network marketing industry.It means those people want to join some network marketing industry but the situation is that all those are converted "no" most of them are not converted and goes back to their regular routine.Our aim is to focus those people and make them realise the true potential of network marketing industry.If those people are introduced well to the Industry definately the things are going to be in our court.

Sunday 11 September 2016

Why to join network marketing company?

BY shivam choudhary IN No comments

Why to join network marketing company?

The current situation of economy has forced people to lookout for an extra income source.The inflation of the society made people to think and search for extra alternative resource of income.The world of globalisation cum internet increased the possibility of second source income.

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Why only network marketing company?

If you are looking for second income source then network marketing companies are best alternative.Because if the income source is second then the time devoted towards the work will the leftover time from the primary job.
Network marketing Industry is going to be billion dollar Industry which will make you free and as we have seen the growth in last few years the possibilities of limitless earning opportunities.

1.Personal development

The network marketing companies are not providing the earning opportunity but also provide exposure to a you and definitely build up your personal network of people ,also teach you the process of ethical business.
The process of these companies are designed so ethically that you cant grow until you learn to help others.The network marketing companies not only grows your financially but also make you a better leader and teacher as well.


You will be surrounded by various people and their accounts so he is informed about the work and know his goals till end of the month.Here you can inform and motivate your prospects accordingly.

3.Like minds.

In this type of business you will meet the people who are highly inspired and hungry for success will automatically work and let them grow.

4.Skills of sales and building relations.

Without sales ,the business will not succeed so first the person who introduced  you to  the business will help you out to train yourself and teach you the technique and process and here you also learn the technique of relation building in business.

5.Opportunity to be mentor

As a new-comer, you’ll find yourself entrusted to well-expert who have been in the business for years. They will teach yo impart useful knowledge that you will later pass on to you.You’ll have the chance to meet mentors and leaders that you lessons from. Once the knowledge is imparted to you, yo knowledge to help others do the same.

6.Dream big

By attending team and company meetings, group orientation activities and events, and leadership training, you are high dream big and to do what it takes to make those dream. You’ll get to listen to the success stories of other network ma stories will help you shape your own goals and dreams. Th emanating from them will hit you and motivate you to reaching your maximum potential.

7.Unlimited Income

How does the idea of getting paid what you’re worth sound?
The idea of helping other is part of ethical business will definitely let you to make more prospect and the effort you put on training them and teaching them will come back in form of money.

So if you want to be part of network marketing Industry be with the best company.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

Digital Network Marketing companies .

BY shivam choudhary IN 1 comment

Digital Network Marketing companies .

Digital India the vision of Shri Narendra Modi gave a sudden turn to the society.The people now realised the power of internet and for many people it became the rich source of Income.The power of network marketing is immense and the market is highly potential.
If the network marketing is a system the digital marketing is a switch to it.The network marketing is a game of people stength that how many people you can assemble and unite them for a cause and they will be benefited as well as paid huge sum of money.
But the challange is either you will go door to door and tell them about your business plan or your company business plan.The process of approaching everyone rather being knowing his industry or interest its very hard to generate interest for particular network marketing company.
For example...
If you approach to a doctor and you wanna him to join a network marketing company which deals in the groccery item then chances are very less that he will join you but if your company deal with the medical products then the chances are more that he will agree to work with you.

Second thing is that every network marketing company has initial investment it may be 1000 and it may lead to 1000000.So the important point is you must target those people who are capable of paying such amount and second thing if a person paying such amount then definitely he have the circle of same category people so the chances of expanson of business are very high .

Now the point raise where the switch of digital marketing companies required here is the game of numbers.Everyday people search on google about the network marketing opportunity it means people are interested in network marketing.The need is that just you have to meet the demand of people and guide them to join a network marketing company which is in their interest and pocket friendly to join initially.

Because the network marketing simply ask you to gather people but it is very hard for a person individually .

So here arrive the need of digital marketing.The digital marketing companies will act as the outsources for lead generation and help people to meet their desired network marketing company .
As the Jio sim launched it stretched the market from urban to rural areas and now the demand of network marketing companies is at its peak people are hungry to work from their native place if they get the employment for their livelyhood and definately the network marketing is giving them this freedom of being free and being wealthy.And the joint of internet will never let them behind from the rest of world they can operate business from their native place to all over the world.
The revolution of internet will definately going to change the future of rural India it all depends upon you either grab the opportunity or leave it.

JOIN US to earn and change your future.

Tuesday 6 September 2016

Digital marketing in real estate?

BY shivam choudhary IN No comments

Digital marketing in real estate?

Real estate market is the one of the billion dollars market the market of real estate is a market which is run because of two type of people.


As the Noida,Gurgaon exploded like bomb it gave birth to new opportunities to was the step takes to complete change the lifestyle of people for the luxury home apartments people dream for.Initially it wasn't tough to sell out a project because the real estate market just came in to trend,number of competetor are very less.
But the growth and boon in the real estate market made everyone to attempt for this business and the people of country are been pinched by many people for property as the property which seems to rich man dream the schemes of financial institution made it so easy that the one who dream about it could have grabbed it.
But the problem raised when the Builders did not completed the project on time and the market of hipe collapsed now the real compatetion arise.Too many seller in the market and the number of Investors are very consious now the challange is how to sale property.
Here are some tips which help you out.
Nowdays digital marketing is on the go and everyone love it.
Instead of cold calling for 1000 non interested people its better to get call from 10 interested people but how it can happen a question which would be churning in your mind.
Yes, of course this damn blogger is mad how could it be possible. Yes it is possible with the help of organised frame of events.


E mailing is best way to approach client but the problem is is the e-mail is enough no what you need is the best link paste of your website where consumer should land and atleast look out something which seems attractive either the quality of project or the amazing offer .

2.The amazing offer should be anchor linked to the enquiry form ,the form must be simple and generic so that client do not find it boring and the call to action button should be redirected after the submit button of form. if the client is interested in calling so he should be funneled to the calling section.

3. Once the client fills the form now the query is geniune there are two possiblity either who filled the query he is a competetor or he is client .If he is a client then join hands with him and do business and if he is a client an inbound lead for sales is in your hand now its all about sales skill which derive your lead in to converson.

For learning the best marketing strategy please do fill the contact form and our company executive will contact you soon and help you out for generating more leads.
fill the form

What is the Impact of JIO sim in Digital marketing?

BY shivam choudhary IN No comments

What is the Impact of JIO sim in Digital marketing?

The launch of JIO sim created a vision  of change in  Indian market.The launch of JIO sim card is like the introduction of internet at a different level.The launch of  Internet in earlier days was a challenge for the government how to connect from rural areas.Somehow Reliance took up this challenge and now the result is in front of eyes the people of rural areas are also connected to internet.The launch of JIO sim is completely going to bring revolution in the Indian society.The challenge of connecting India's rural sector to the urban sector just seems to be fulfil.Dr APJ Abdul kalaam also said if we need development then it will be important that we should connect the urban area to rural areas.
1.The Jio is a 4G service. Well, we are sure that you know this but it is worth repeating. If you have an older that only supports 3G, it may not work on your phone. Also, just to add, it won't work on feature phones. You need 4G connectivity.

2.To make calls, Jio uses VoLTE network. This is something new for India. This means calls are made using data connection. Now, it won't be a problem for Jio to Jio calls. But for the Jio to GSM calls, which means calls to Airtel and Vodafone numbers etc, you will have to install an app called Jio Join because the calls will use interconnecting infrastructure that current telecom operators use. Even then there is a chance that many calls may fail. Reliance CMD Mukesh Ambani said the existing telecom operators are not doing their bit to make the service good for consumers. For example, he said, that in the last one week 5 crore Jio calls failed.

3.If you want a Jio SIM and are in Delhi or Mumbai, go to a Jio store with your Aadhar card, This will simplify the process of getting the SIM. In other parts of the country, the same process will be rolled out in the next 4 to 6 weeks.

4.The Jio SIM cards are free. And they will be available from September 5. Don't pay any price to any dealer to get the SIM. It's not required. "Jio's Data, Voice, Video and the full bouquet of Jio applications and content will be available for EVERYONE absolutely FREE, till 31st December 2016," says Ambani.

5.If you are a student, go to the Jio store with your valid ID card. Although the Jio services are free until December 31, after that you will pay around Rs 50 per GB. But students will get 25 per cent more data once the commercial plans get active.

The digital market which was earlier compressed to cities only is now going to expand to complete india the reach to the internet of every citizen will completely  connect india digitally.This change will lead India to new heights.And bright future of India is not far away.

Monday 5 September 2016

What is Digital marketing content writing?

BY shivam choudhary IN No comments

What is Digital marketing content writing?

The content of digital marketing is slightly different from normal content writing.In digital marketing as i discussed content is king,content is the backbone of blogging.Content on the internet cant be written like you write normally.

What is the motive of writing content on internet?

Today so many people use internet and now days everybody wants to write on internet but is it possible that whatever we are writing is visible to the world,the answer is YES.
But if yes the the content written by anyone tom dick and harry should be visible , here we are stucked,and the result what we get now is slightly different and surprising.
Do as we write content definitely exist on internet but it is not sure that it is been exposed to the internet.Whatever we will write it will definitely stored in the memory of google but there is no surety that we exist on internet so we are going to exposed to the world.
The basic thing  which will rank you or expose you on google is your content then only SEO will help out to gain stability on google algorithm

What art  the primary pillars of content?

1.Relevance to the topic.
2.Query or keyword density to be maintained(2%).
3.Keyword should be there in URL.
4.Article should be minimum of 500 words.
5.Keyword should be there in anchor text.
6.Keyword there should be there in head ,title and sub heads.

1.Relevance to the Topic

Relevancy to the topic is referred that the article is written should be relevant to the topic.It should be not like that if you are writing about a specific topic and the content is not relevant then the user may find irrelevant and immediatly exit from website which will increase the bounce rate and google will downrank you.

2.Query or keyword density to be maintained(2%).

The quantity of keyword should be included up to 2% so at the time of search it indicates to the google that about this keyword we contain information let the visitor will be exposed to our topic.,

3.Keyword in URL.

Keyword should be there in URL for the signal of google to indicate or to transmit the signal information so that the content is to be exposed to the user.

4.Article should be 500 words.

Article should be of 500 hundred words so that the interest of consumer should be maintained and if the article is large it can be splitted to 2 or more articles to that consumer interest is maintained and by switching page bounce rate of website  is maintained.

5.Keyword in the anchor text?

Keyword in the content should be anchor text and interlinked to other pages for creating information funnel for the user.

6.Keyword should be there in Heads,Title and sub heads.

Keyword there on head ,title,and sub heads should be also anchored to other pages so that it help us out to get the heads and sub heads clicked  so that user stay on your blog/website and increase the user interface time on the site.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

BY shivam choudhary IN No comments

What is Search Engine Optimisation?

What is Search Engine Optimisation? SEO  is a game of rich knowledge of the combination of refined content and optimised SEO will give long lasting ranking in the google algorithm.The slowly and continues  growth of website on the bases of "On page optimisation" and "Off page optimisation" will give stability to your website or blog.

Search engine is optimisation is on the basic of various factor the primary factor are:

2. SEO

Commonly in the digital marketing people consider "CONTENT" as a part of Search Engine Optimisation but the content is not the part of Search engine optimisation.Content is a primary pillar of your website or blog on which you will apply various Search Engine Optimisation technique to pull our content on google ranking so that it will be exposed to the Internet user.But if the content is not worth it will not be optimised well you may optimised it using various technique and can be pulled up but once it will be exposed to internet user and user interaction will be not so useful definitely it will again increase your bounce rate and the chances of survival at a stable rank are very less.

How to write content?

The content should be written after researching that,the content you want to write is searched on google from  which keywords,and at the time of writing content the keyword to be used in content and other words should be synonym and related to subject and topic.

What to do before writing content?

1.Good knowledge of particular topic
2.Keyword search for particular topic.
3. Competitor keyword on particular topic.
4.Taretted audience region and keywords

First of all write a content of 500 words only because once the content is too long people will loose the interest and and its will decrease user interest and will exit from same page if the article is to be written of 1500 words then it should be splitted in 3 article,which will make the the user to scroll from one page to another and will help you to maintain your bounce rate at best.
Once the article is written now its time to optimise the content.
Content will be optimise in two parts.

a)On page 

1.Page Titles. Your page titles are one of the most important SEO factors on your site. ...
2.Meta Descriptions. Many people forget to include meta descriptions for their pages. ...
3.Meta Tags. ...
4.URL Structure. ...
5.Body Tags (H1, H2, H3, H4, etc.) ...
6.Keyword Density. ...
7.Image SEO. ...
8.Internal Linking.

b)Off page optimisation

2.Social bookmarking sites
3.Blog marketing
4.Directory submission
5.Search engine submission
6.Link baiting
7.Photo sharing
8.Article submission
9.Photo sharing
10.Answer question

click for contact

Sunday 28 August 2016

Article 53 .5 Keys to Creating a Successful Online Promotion

BY shivam choudhary IN , , , No comments

5 Keys to Creating a Successful Online Promotion

So as to quicken your image's development, you need to increment online mindfulness and engagement. What's more, online advancements, for example, challenges, giveaways and sweepstakes are one of the best advertising instruments you can use to make energy around your image and construct associations with your clients strikingly.

Here are five key tips to guarantee your next advancement's prosperity:

1. Make It Super Easy to Participate 

The less demanding you make it for buyers to draw in with your advancement — and the better the prize(s) — the more probable they will do as such. For ideal investment, expel however many hindrances to passage as could be allowed. Giving shoppers additional, dull strides like logging into access your advancement or having excessively numerous fields on the passage structure diminishes the probability they'll enter, so simply keep it basic. A mind boggling advancement may appear to be all the more convincing to you, yet for customers, the clearer and more brief the passage procedure, the better.

2. Get People Sharing Photos 

Incorporating photographs into your advancement is a simple approach to expand the engagement of your group of onlookers. Truth be told, a recent report by ROI Research found that buyers appreciate pictures the most when connecting with companions on online networking, and 44 percent of respondents will probably draw in with brands on the off chance that they posted pictures more than some other type of substance. Do purchasers love taking a gander at pictures, as well as adoration flaunting their own particular aptitudes. Build engagement by requesting that members make a move by sharing a photograph as a feature of entering your advancement.

3. Make Your Promotions Mobile-Friendly 

At this moment, 66 percent of advancement perspectives are by means of portable. Given the way that customers are progressively getting to your advancements on their telephones, it's a great opportunity to consider how these advancements will look and feel on cell phones. However, don't simply shrivel it to fit — making an advancement portable agreeable means really adjusting it to the gadget. One of my customers, online networking advertising stage North Social, utilizes smartlink innovation that recognizes programs and streamlines the advancement for any individual gadget.

4. Have Your Customers and Staff Seed the Promotion 

For a situation study from Extole, for each one individual who entered a sweepstakes, an extra 3.6 extra individuals entered as an aftereffect of social suggestions. So why not ask your clients and staff to impart your advancement to their systems? Twitter challenges that oblige clients to retweet to win permit frictionless sharing. Offer snap to-tweets for your staff to effectively spread mindfulness. Alternately, in case you're running a Facebook advancement, empower verbal exchange with a basic offer catch. (Keep in mind to incorporate a divulgence on the off chance that you have representatives share an advancement.)

5. Use Paid Media to Supercharge the Promotion 

Put resources into the achievement of your advancement. Utilizing the force of Facebook's advanced posts, advertisements and supported stories is a compelling and reasonable approach to reach past the general population who effectively like your page. Advanced tweets, LinkedIn promotions and StumbleUpon advertisements pay likewise drive expanded cooperation. In one contextual analysis, paid media expanded advancement interest by 55 percent and decreased expense per-passage by 42 percent.

Social advancements are a key instrument in any advertiser's toolbox. Take advantage of them by guaranteeing they are basic, connecting with, shareable, advanced and versatile. Obviously, streamline your range to expand your odds of being discussed. All the more significantly, be deserving of being discussed.

Wednesday 24 August 2016

Article 52 Digital advertisement scope

BY shivam choudhary No comments

Digital advertisement scope 

Digital advertising scope is the future of promotion.As the internet touched the life of people it just changed the way they live.They way they perform their activity,nowdays its like that everything is just available on click.

A Person whenever he required something the very first step he perform he search for that product on google and here is the opportunity now the consumer itself interestet in searching for the product of his need.The very first step of approaching consumer is solved .
There are different ways of digital marketing:

1.Promoting your product and service on adward.
2.Promoting your product and service on social media.
3.Promoting your product and service on application.

The above listed are primary activity which cover the basic of digital marketing.

1.Google Adward 

Google adward is the advertisement platform of google which cover advertising your product through various mode.
a)Search network campaign
b)Display network campaign
c)Search and display network campaign
d)Video campaigns
e)Universal App campaigns

2.Social media

e)google plus

Every topic will be covered in detail in upcoming articles.
Basically the digital advertising is a concept of targeting people on the bases of their taste,demography and various other factor the factor on the bases of which you wanna to cover your targeted audience.
it will be easy to narrow down your search and target the few number of people with quality advertising so that those people generate more converson as compared to traditional way of exposure advertisement where you target everyone without knowing their taste and other preference.

When you target the crowd the advertisement budget will be diluted in large number of people and quality of advertisement will be low and the customer attraction will be very low as compared when it comes to digital advertisement you have a platform where you exactly know the taste of consumer and the class of consumer ,there the customer will be pitched on the basic of their interest.

Now the budget of advertisement will be used on the targeted audience and the rate of converson will be high the other pro of digital advertisement is you can track the result of every word you advertising and your amount will be completely tracked that how best it can be used and give more converson.

The future belong to the digital marketing the future of digital india is an opportunity to grow.

Sunday 21 August 2016

Article 51. Digital Marketing the demand of advertising industry

BY shivam choudhary IN , , , No comments

Article 51. Digital Marketing the demand of advertising industry

As the era of internet born it came with a concept that it joins people from far distances and create a channel and network of people and for any business what you need is all a good network of people.
The days are gone now when to start a business you need to go door to door and ask people for their taste and preference after studying so much and analysing the society you are drived to a conclusion that whether  you have to start  a business or not.
The world of Digital marketing brings all these traditional way of marketing and business to end.Now what you have to do is just think up on idea and you will find an automatic platform framed regarding to that business.A group of people who are already working on idea ,a group of audience who are interested in that,the point is that the time earlier which is wasted on researching the market from consumer  point of view for any particular service or product is already exist.

Concept of automatic inbound marketing?

It was a time when you need to pitch every person you find about your business services and product and you expect converson irrespective of person taste and requirement.
But the arrival of digital marketing concept it modified the way of customer approach the set of people can be marked out from group, according to your product or service feautre's ,matching to their interest and and now the rate of converson is going to be very high because your product or service is pitched to that person only who is either looking for particular type of services and products.

Cost cutting in advertising.

Digital marketing is not providing only exposure to your product and service but actually it driving the catalogue of your product to the customer who is interested and looking for similar services.The cost of marketing is reduced because now the the audience you want to target is less in number on other hand somehow the audience is interested one.
so it seems like the way of inbound marketing you are creating a funnel according to the search preferences of consumer  on the basic of their search preference , you are driving him to 
particular product or service and now the customer is exactly targeted toward what he is searching now the chance of converson are more the 80%.
On the other hand the traditional way of marketing involve a large number of people to approach customer and the other things like banner,poster,are required which means again lot of investment.
And the biggest disadvantage of being traditional marketing you cant keep performance record and goal cant be created for future and you don't have any created audience.
But in digital marketing you have a particular track record of every person and the concept of remarketing will always keep  him pitched from your product and service.
The future is digital marketing every company have to shift its marketing strategy from traditional to digital then only survival is possible .